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'Loving Your Church' Survey 2021

Serving Our Lord, His Gospel & His People

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10.45

To complete our 'Loving Your Church' survey please

The church belongs to Christ (Mt 16.18) and is a family made up of adopted brothers and sisters (see Galatians 4.4-7; Romans 8.12-17), called to serve one another. When we come to faith in Christ, we get not only a new relationship with our Father but new family members too (1 Timothy 3.15; 5.1-2; Galatians 6.10). And God calls us to be devoted to this new family in love (Romans 12.10). Within our church family we exhibit a diverse range of skills, abilities and gifts, which we can all be used for the building up of our church family.


The survey will help you identify ways in which you might consider loving and serving the family of God in St Elizabeth’s. Please read through the survey carefully and prayerfully consider your response. If you think of something outside those opportunities listed, please make a note on the form or speak to a member of the staff team.


Please feel free to tick as many options as you wish. If you tick 10 boxes it is unlikely that you will be needed for all of them, so don’t worry, tick whatever ministries you would be willing to do. Likewise, if you tick just one, it is not guaranteed that you will end up doing that ministry due to the number of people who may be willing to serve in this area. Also, please note that training will be provided where needed, so please offer to serve even in areas in which you might feel apprehensive.


Please aim to complete and return your form by Sunday 27th June 2021.

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